News & Updates

from Central Valley Baptist Church

BrightSpot – Women’s Fellowship

BrightSpot is a time of fellowship for women of all ages.  Titus 2:3-5, 10 - the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to...

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What does it mean to be a Baptist?

In John 13:25, Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I was never especially drawn to a specific church name or denomination. Like most Christians, I knew little about denominational labels. In the end,...

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What is Awana?

What is Awana?

What is Awana? Awana is a ministry focused on providing Bible-based discipleship for children and youth. Children and youth may start at any age. Our church club begins with the 3-4-year-old "Cubbies" and finishes at grade 8 with "Trek." As they memorize scriptures...

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Remaining Southern Baptist?

I recently asked a long-time Southern Baptist pastor why he remains Southern Baptist? We both sat in silence as he searched his mind for a reason. After a minute or so, I broke the silence, “It is heartbreaking that you need to think so hard for a reason to remain…”...

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Clothing Cascade

How often have you cleaned out your closet, disliking the idea of giving your clothes to the thrift store knowing someone could benefit from them? That’s how the concept for Clothing Cascade started. Clothing Cascade Last year, my younger sister passed away, leaving...

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Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Join us for Wednesday evening adult bible study taught by Pastor Richard. Our next class with begin on May 18th and we will explore the topic, "What happens after we die?" We will explore from Scripture: Physical Death vs. Spiritual Death Heaven Hell Glorification...

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In the Wilderness

The wilderness. What thoughts and images come to mind when you hear or read that word? Perhaps you think of the mountains, isolated in the hills and trees, a time of solitude and reflection. Maybe you think of a barren desert and wild animals. As Christians, we often...

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Homeschool Social Recap

This past Friday was our first Homeschool Social. It was a time for other homeschool moms and kids in Cascade to come together for fellowship and encouragement. For me, this was a precious time to watch my daughter as she and several other kiddos played Twister,...

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Advent: A Reflection on Hope

As I approach Christmas and think about the birth of Christ, it is natural to reflect on what Jesus Christ means to those of us who have placed our faith in him. My mind gravitates toward the gospel of Christ, the sheer weight of just thinking about forgiveness and...

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