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Adult Bible Study @ 9:30am | Next-Gen Church (Kids) @ 9:30am

Worship Service @ 11:00am

Where the Bible is preached and Christ is honored.

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Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Join us for Wednesday evening adult bible study taught by Pastor Richard. Our next class with begin on May 18th and we will explore the topic, "What happens after we die?" We will explore from Scripture: Physical Death vs. Spiritual Death Heaven Hell Glorification Union with Christ and More......

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In the Wilderness

The wilderness. What thoughts and images come to mind when you hear or read that word? Perhaps you think of the mountains, isolated in the hills and trees, a time of solitude and reflection. Maybe you think of a barren desert and wild animals. As Christians, we often hear it referred to as a time...

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Homeschool Social Recap

This past Friday was our first Homeschool Social. It was a time for other homeschool moms and kids in Cascade to come together for fellowship and encouragement. For me, this was a precious time to watch my daughter as she and several other kiddos played Twister, decorated ornaments, played board...

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