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What is Awana?

What is Awana?

What is Awana? Awana is a ministry focused on providing Bible-based discipleship for children and youth. Children and youth may start at any age. Our church club begins with the 3-4-year-old "Cubbies" and finishes at grade 8 with "Trek." As they memorize scriptures and work through their books,...

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Remaining Southern Baptist?

I recently asked a long-time Southern Baptist pastor why he remains Southern Baptist? We both sat in silence as he searched his mind for a reason. After a minute or so, I broke the silence, “It is heartbreaking that you need to think so hard for a reason to remain…” He disappointedly agreed. What...

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Clothing Cascade

How often have you cleaned out your closet, disliking the idea of giving your clothes to the thrift store knowing someone could benefit from them? That’s how the concept for Clothing Cascade started. Clothing Cascade Last year, my younger sister passed away, leaving me bins and bins of her clothes...

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