What is Awana?
Awana is a ministry focused on providing Bible-based discipleship for children and youth. Children and youth may start at any age. Our church club begins with the 3-4-year-old “Cubbies” and finishes at grade 8 with “Trek.” As they memorize scriptures and work through their books, they have the opportunity to earn awards and badges for their vests and shirts. They learn to put others above themselves, respect and kindness during game time, and most importantly, they know about the love of Jesus.
This year, Awana will take place at Central Valley Baptist Church on Wednesdays, beginning September 13th, from 4 pm – 5:30 pm. Kid’s in public school can let the administration know, and the bus will drop the kids off at the church then parents can pick them up at 5:30.
We would love to see your child participate in this excellent program. And if you would like to help or participate, we would love to hear from you! Awana runs during the length of the school year, and the breaks correspond with the school breaks.
To learn more, or to register your child, click HERE.
If you have any questions, contact Carla at office@cvbcascade.com or call her at (208) 473-9799.
Awana Clubs
Cubbies – Ages 3 to 5
Sparks – Grades K – 2nd
T&T – Grades 3rd – 5th
Trek – Grades 6th – 8th